Wednesday, November 21, 2012 @ 11:38 PM

So... I've decided to start a new personal blog to just write about my life and just basically...rant and talk rubbish? (this is for the sake of the future me, to read and laugh about how stupid I am/reminisce about the past etc)

Right now, it's just less than one week till... I GET ABSOLUTE FREEDOM. Im left with just 2 mcq papers next week and then there will be no more "mugging" or "burning midnight oil" or "chionging like mad" in my life anymore!!!!! At least for the next 8 months. I really can't waitttttt. Though I'm alrd experiencing partial freedom right now since all the written papers are over. Hmm maybe i should blog about the whole Alevels experience before I forget all about it. So... the first week of exams was HELL. Literally. It felt like the longest week of my life, ever. It was really draining, and all that I could do when I got home was to mug really hard for the next day's paper, like as if your whole life was dependent on it. And after that first week of hell, I was just more relieved than ever, though I felt like I screwed up some of the I could have done better. Then came econs, phy, and more econs. And these three papers, I must say, were a few of the most screwed up papers for me. But I think I've tried my best and gave my all for those papers (I just don't have a comparative advantage in these subjects -lol at my wrong use of econs term) So all that I can do now is just to hope for the best and moderation god pls help me!!!

Now I feel like ranting. Alot of people have been telling me that even if you usually get a D or E in your school's exams, you will eventually get an A or B in Alevels cuz there is moderation. But I just can't bring myself to believe that it is possible cuz...HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? How can someone who has been repeatedly getting Ds and Es suddenly jump to a B or even an A?! I mean, I've heard of quite alot of such success stories but I just think that those people are just really lucky or maybe they really worked super hard for it -not that I did not work hard or anything like that- It all just seem too miraculous for me to believe cuz I have always believed that Im one of the dumber ones, ever since I got into TJ (where everybody is insanely smart/hardworking while Im like one of those slack shit people...though I've gotten some rather good grades before) I guess I'm just a pessimistic person who does not have much faith in my abilities? Though deep down inside, I really really hope that what people are telling me is true, and that it will happen to me.

On a brighter note, Alevels are gonna be over really soon! And I'm going for lots of shopping trips + IM GOING TO BATAM (like right after prom) I can't wait!!! I shall end off with a cute but sadistic video xx